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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6PM  CBS  February 28, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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garrido for mrs. garrido. >> the statement hinting to a plea deal for the couple but especially for nancy. >> unfortunately the quality of mercy is strained in el dorado county so as of the moment, the current officer offer is 241 years, eight months to life. >> according to tapson his hope is for more like 20 or 30 years. he says she wasn't involved in any sexual abuse of jaycee. >> based on what happened after all of the stuff started to become the bizarre family, that she should be at least able to walk on the beach probably with a walker at some point in time before she dies. >> tapson says jaycee sat across the table from garrido and he wasn't able to talk to her. >> jaycee give me a call, i would like to talk to you if i could. >> the bond between jay c and nancy garrido may be stronger than you think.
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and that nancy would like mercy. >> i am curious if you think that 241 years and eight months to life is appropriate. >> stephen tapson and the sealed documents the media was hoping to get unsealed the judge says they will remain so throughout the entire process of this case. nancy garrido's lawyer also says that his client delivered dugard's two children and that she considers herself a mother not just to dugard but also her daughters. >> medical marijuana sellers in the south bay your business is still i will legitimate but get ready to meet the tax mannyway. the pot advocates say that they are in a catch 22. mark? >> reporter: dana, there are about 100 medical marijuana stores here in san jose alone. and beginning tomorrow they will be required to begin track -- tracking their sales and pay a special voter approved tax directly to the city.
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>> reporter: san jose cannabis buyers collective founder david hodges says the new tax is unfair, even though the city still does not have an official ordinance permitting cannabis clubs, it is happy to that i can their money. >> horrible public policy. it is that is catered to this industry to make it hard for us to operate on. >> reporter: the new tax was authorized by measure u which was approved by san jose voters last november. the current sales tax for all businesses is nine and a quarter percent. but cannabis clubs will be taxed an additional 7% on the gross receipts for a total tax of 15 .25%. >> that rate would definitely have to be something that was pushed on to the members. >> that could be some substantial revenue. >> reporter: san jose councilman suggested the city consider the tax and says it could help with the projected $110 million deficit. >> this was fiscal regular lallation of medical cannabis collectives, one by requiring financial audits. two by implying or implementing
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a 7% grows receipts tax. that revenue then would be used to pay for the city services. >> david gearhart is a user of medical marijuana and he says the new tax could push some business away from legitimate providers. >> it makes the people who aren't selling the medicine legally better providers. at least the people actually doing it without a license will probably make more money. >> reporter: the exact amount that could be collected from medical marijuana dispensaries is at this point not known. but david hodges says the legal fight is far from over. >> i would love to pay tax if it were appropriate and it didn't endanger my business. unfortunately, the way the measure u is structured it would be implying that our business is doing something illegal. >> reporter: the first salvo on that legal fight will be fired tomorrow. that is because the collective that you just heard from, well, they are going to close their business as it is today and re- open tomorrow under a different name. their contention is until the new business under the new name
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gets a new city business license they will be unable to comply with this new tax that's required. dana, the legal outcome of this even they concede remains to be seen. but that's the strategy they are are employing during tomorrow. >> there are such wide ranging implications for this. is this the first time a class of business like this has been singled out to pay a different tax? >> we asked many of the users didn't want to go on camera. how do you feel, do you feel like you are being singled as out? believe it or not they would like to pay some tax and it is no different than other industries such as alcohol consumption which does have special taxes. >> mark sayr, thank you. >> san francisco's current mayor, he was appointed. so what happens when the job is decided by another election. phil mater on the growing field and the growing complaints about boredom. >> reporter: we know that our city of san francisco is a beacon to the rest of the world when it comes to social justice
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and for diversity. >> that was san francisco's board of supervisors david chu dropping his names into one of the most crowded runs for mayor we have seen in years. so far, no less than 31 candidates have taken out papers. they include three former supervisors, the city attorney, the county assessor and a state senator. and now the president of the board. >> it's a credit race. i think we have a lot of great candidates. >> why so many candidates? well, there are three reasons. first up it is a wide-open race. so far interim mayor ed lee says he is not running. second free money. under new campaign rules taxpayers have agreed to kick in $3 for every $1 that the candidates raise. and three, the new system of ranked choice voting, which allows voters to make three piques instead of one. the voting was one of the three reasons for jean kwan's upset in that city.
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>> a total roll of the dice. >> they couldn't be much more apart when it comes to politics. ironically, however, they share the same opinion of the lineup for mayor so far. >> how about boring? when are these candidates going to start saying something about the future of the city? >> not as boring of a list as you could assemble. [ applause ] >> and while the candidates have their fans a lot of folks out there are still waiting for that special spark. >> have you paid any attention to these people running for mayor? >> no, i haven't. >> not too dynamic, yeah. >> what do you think of the group of people so far running for mayor? >> i don't think. >> and apparently in the near do a lot of voters out there. it is still early. here in san francisco we like to do things that are cutting- edge and landmark and that are out there, allan that sort of grab the rest of the world's attention. so far in this race we don't have an issue whether it be homeless or legal marijuana or whatever down the line that's really sort of grabbed everybody and said it's election time. >> not yet. not yet. but also dealing with ranked
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voice voting this time around. so the bigger the field gets, then it could become even more confusing to people. >> yes, it is. the old election system which was one election and then a run- off was kind of like playing poker. got the cards and put them down and winners and losers and then you trimmed the field down to two. this time it is more like roulette. can you throw the ball out there. it could be spinning around the way everybody gets three picks and the way the elimination goes it can bounce from one candidate to one candidate. serve getting in. by the way chris daily -- daly said if somebody from the left doesn't get in he will. >> and in that case it will be boring no more. >> thanks, phil. >> turn to statewide politics. an exclusive eyewitness poll released today shows the governor's approval rating has grown in the last month. 52% tell survey usa approve of the job that jerry brown is doing. that is nine points higher than the last poll done just after he took office.
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the new survey finds 39% disapprove of governor brown's performance and the% say they are not sure -- 9% say they are not sure. >> san mateo police shot and killed a man today who may have been mentally ill. doug sovereign with more on what happened. >> reporter: this ban, according to conditions, with a dispute at a nearby drugstore. what we are told of the mother shot by police is that he is schizophrenic. >> my son is sick, mentally sick. he went for medication. and they said he has to pay. he never paid. so this is why they killed him. >> when police got here they say he opened fire on him. they fired back and killed him. the woman said all he had was a bb gun and just needed his psychiatric medicines. she is angry and distraught at the police with how this ended. cbs 5, doug sovereign. >> 25 minutes ago san mateo police identified the man as robert carone.
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he did not have a bb gun. it was a 38 caliber smith and wesson revolver and their officers were in danger. >> it is very unfortunate that our officers were preparing to attempt negotiate -- negotiations with this armed individual when he shot at the officers precipitating our use of deadly force. >> carone has an extensive history against police officers and weapons possession. anonymous donors put up a $5,000 reward to help find the thief who burglarized the walnut creek home while the owners were at their son's funeral. robert and julia returned home to find their home ransacked. their 16-year-old son who you see here was drowned along with his friend the previous weekend while rafting in walnut creek. and an antioch man pleaded guilty today for a police standoff that shut down bay bridge traffic for more than
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two hours. craig carlos will be sentenced. he pulled his suv and started calling in bomb threats. he said he believed his wife was cheating on him. he eventually surrendered. >> i am len ramirez where the price of gasoline is really starting to hurt again. just ahead, how much pain there will be at the pump? >> i am ann. in walnut creek. how do you go about looking for a job? well, first you network and then you stand out. how 18 people are hoping to catch your eye. >> okay. he would wear a little superman outfit and he would put his regular clothes on over it so that in case there was ever any danger he was ready to, you know, change and become superman. >> he wanted to be a super hero. and now he is. how this boy's fight with a deadly disease could one day save other children facing long odds. [ music ] ,,
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california should be proud. we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do.
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the next, you start one feeling a bit the moment you feel run down or achy, nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud.
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len ramirez is in cupertino . flee weeks ago we told you it could happen. and tonight we are seeing it. $4 gas. len ramirez is in coopertino where a gas station is selling a gallon of regular un leaded for more than $4. how are the drivers reacting? >> reporter: reaching into their wallets and they don't like it. when you these prices $4 for regular and $4.15 for plus gasoline and $4.25 for premium. you just don't see $4 gas very much. that's why we are going to bring you on this side of the sign to show you they ran out of 4s. it is a number that doesn't get used very much. the owner of this gas station might also have to order some $5s. at these prices. >> it is a big jump. >> reporter: you will want to get every drop. we watched as gas prices took
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small steps. >> it daily goes up too high. >> reporter: but at this 76 station in coopertino. regular unled took one giant leap over the $4 barrier. >> i'm surprised. (speaking spanish). >> too expensive. >> reporter: in any language, it seems too much and this man is blaming big oil. >> we are paying the profits for the oil companies that are making their profits here. >> reporter: but he is not just a driver. he owns this 76 station at stephen's creek and stern. >> are you going to get in trouble by saying that? >> reporter: not really. [ laughter ] >> reporter: not really, no. >> reporter: okay. that's the fact to let people know. why not? they should know that i am not the one making the money but the oil companies are. >> reporter: he ought to know. he has owned the station for 18 years. although most of his competitors are still well below his prices, he said he had to raise this because it is costing him more. >> which i purchased it which i did last night, the gas price was high. i sell it a little bit higher.
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>> reporter: to most drivers the high prices are not a surprise. >> i suppose it's a consequence of the prices in the middle east with the uncertainty about oil supplies. >> reporter: the only question is how high will it go? >> it could go as high as $5 as far as i'm concerned. i have seen it before. there is no guarantee it is not going to happen again. >> reporter: now, there is cheaper gas on this boulevard. as you can see from our live shot here, no one is really taking advantage of those high prices. they are paying the lower prices where they can. but the owner of this station says he is probably going to have to raise prices again in just two days. in a couple of days $4.05 for regular will seem like a bargain. len ramirez, cbs 5. >> one group of area job seekers thinks they have found a great way to catch the attention of employers. ann? >> reporter: 135,000 ride bart each day so a pretty good place to be seen.
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they are hoping that the bart riders notice them. >> i was a sales director for fuji film. >> i was with sunlife assistance for 13 plus years as a human resources professional. >> reporter: this group meets every week in the hopes their brainstorming sessions will lead them to jobs. how long have you been out of work? >> a little over a year. >> they are attorneys, consultants, sales, communications, marketing, healthcare, human researches. general managers, a photographer, a social media specialist and really the list goes on and own. they have decided to stick together during this difficult time. >> we realized the need for the support and the networking because we all know people that companies we might be looking at. >> perhaps these people seem familiar to you. after all, since the recession started we have all heard stories about people looking for work. or maybe you really have seen them on your way to work. 18 people pitched in and bought four billboards at bart
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stations in the east bay. it let's prospective employers that eager employees are a quick away at we need >> there are thousands of these groups that meet every single day or every minute. ours is a little different. took a physical approach to physically put ourselves out there. >> this was a way that we could take back control of this job search. >> reporter: carol guterman says it was a surprise to see her face at bart. >> so i looked around to see if anybody else was looking at our poster. and i was so tempted to ask somebody what they thought. >> reporter: we wondered the same thing so we invited bob lantern a workforce consultabsent who works with organizations who match people to jobs. he said the website on its own won't get them jobs but coupled with their networking and marketing website it will help. >> i think it will be, you know, kind of like the full monty type of technique where the un employed workers kind of went out there and put
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themselves out there. >> reporter: he did have one suggestion that they put their full resumes on the site. >> it is important to not leave any information out. you have very few seconds to get an employer's attention. and so you want to make it as easy as possible to find out as much as possible about you. >> reporter: the first day the signs were up they got 700 hits on their website. more importantly, it is already getting results. >> i have an interview last thursday. it was a phone interview. it came from our billboard. >> awsome. >> so i think that's exciting. [ applause ] >> reporter: and people in this group have been unemployed anywhere from six months to more than two years. at this point they are just hoping that the right employers go to their website. we all need and allan they are hoping to set up some interviews. >> wish them good luck. ann, thanks. the first of the week. let's see what's in store for us. roberta? >> the first of the week but the last day of february. the big question is the first day of march, will it roar in like a lion and out like a
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lamb? >> yes, that's what we are looking at. this is the scene right now on a day where we had 53 in sonoma, we are currently at 52 in san francisco. see those clouds there, they have been developing in the passed 60 minutes. san francisco topped off at 57 down from the average high of 62. out and about, we are noticing increasing cloud cover. although it has been cloudy all day north of the golden gate bridge, we have had 2/100ths of an inch primarily in the far reaches of the north bay. tonight we will have a veil of clouds. temperature-wise still approaching near freezing throughout the tri-valley. 38 to the south. and low 40s to mid-40s across the central bay. this is a cold front. this is where we saw some of the raindrops in the northern portion of our district today. this will swing out of the area. and right behind it a new area of low pressure tapping into some tropical moisture. this is how we are playing the next storm. by the tail end of tomorrow's evening commute the raindrops begin to fall.
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then by 11 p.m. tomorrow night, heavy rain develops in the north bay. and serve wet by wednesday morning. the commute with gusting winds south. 20-30 miles per hour. remember we already have some saturated soil. could see downed power lines or downed trees. we are in and out of the rain all wednesday. 1-3 inches of rain expected across the bay area. tomorrow increasing clouds. we will refer to it as mostly cloudy with temperatures in the 50s and 60s. complete rain-out by overnight hours tuesday into wednesday. thursday a scattered shower is possible. dry on friday. threats of rain return for the weekend. we will talk more about that next time around. >> all right, roberta, thanks. a child's dream of being a super hero is coming true after his fight with a deadly brain tumour. that's in two minutes. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. for the first time in three decades there is new home
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tonight in the fight against a lethal brain tumour, a vicious cancer that strikes only children. doctor kim is joining us. and young, kim. >> allan, this is a terrible cancer. most children die within a year. now a new discovery published today in a prestigious medical journal was all made possible when the parents of a young boy in the bay area met a dedicated young scientist at samson. three-year-old jayden is getting a true look at a super hero his older brother dylan. >> dylan was a great kid. he was aware of the needs of other people. >> he was a super hero. he would wear his little superman outfit and he would put his regular clothes on over it so that in case there was ever any danger he was ready to, you know, change and become superman. >> reporter: but soon dylan was in danger. at age five he was diagnosed
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with an extremely adepressive brain tumour. the cancer appears in the brain stem invading healthy brain tissue. >> it is a horrible disease. >> reporter: even with treatment the prognosis is grim. this cancer is almost universally fatal. >> survival for this really horrible brain tumour that inflicts children is nine months. >> there have been no known treatments for this cancer in five years. but there is new hope thanks to dylan, his parents and a team of scientists at stanford. dylan was brought to the medical center he was at the end of his life. his parents then met neurologist and researcher dr. michelle mangay and asked if they could donate his brain tumour. >> his tumour needs to be donated and here is somebody that can find something other than sorry your child is going to die. >> when dylan died the stanford team quickly harvested his brain tumour. for the first time they were able to coax the cancer cells
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from dylan's tumour to degree in the lab. >> hopefully dylan's tumour will shed some light on potential new theirs. >> they published a ground- breaking study to determine how the tumour may grow. dylan is a real super hero. one day his brother will know. >> his life may have been short but his memory will live on forever because of what we were able to do. >> it's very inspiring. and i truly hope no other parent has to go through this in time again. >> there is an online community of parents with kids who have this particular type of brain cancer. and some have also donated their late childrens' tumours to stanford in hopes of sparing other families the pain that they have experienced. >> let's hope the new theirs come very quickly. >> sure hope so. >> all right, kim. well, the next big lift is underway. the changes you will see high above san francisco bay this week. just another big story unfolding below on the water.
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>> i am simon perez at pier 80 in san francisco where the last vote to win the america cup is coming ashore. >> you claim you are okay with it. how about cleaning our water supply? bleach? some don't think that's a good idea. i'm mike sugarman and i will tell you why coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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saved the city of san francisco [ music ] >> time to call in mr. clean. you see, it turns out low-flow toilets have saved the city of san francisco a lot of water, but they are causing a stink in the city sewers. mark sugarman gets to the bottom of it. mike? >> reporter: well, it's sodium hypochloride. it's bleach. and san francisco wants to spend a ton of dough to put it in the water system to clean the water and make things smell better. but some people think a lot of it will end up in the bay. will it? san francisco is a beautiful place. but some parts stink. >> number two. >> poop. it smelled like poop. >> reporter: in some parts of the city, you don't even have to be near a storm drain. >> it's crap, what do you think it smells like? >> reporter: particularly on hot days, some neighborhoods smell bad, bad, bad. >> every city with a sewer
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system has sewer odours associated with it. >> reporter: i found that out a few years back during a tour of san francisco's sewers. and since then things have gotten stinkier. new environmentally-friendly low-flow toilets help cut down on the amount of water we use but less water means the sludge backs up and raises a stink. the city wants to spend $14 million for a three-year supply of sodium hypochloride or bleach. >> it takes away the odours so good for the people that live around them. >> reporter: actually 80% of the bleach goes to disinfect the city's drinking water. the rest goes into odour control. it is controversial. a petition online wants to stop the bleaching saying all of that run-off will go into the bay. >> it is absolutely not true. the dissinfection is removing the sodium hypochloride before it gets released so no bleach
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getting into the bay. >> no bleach getting into the bay. >> reporter: using letter water for other reasons people are working less and people aren't using it to garden and stuff. they have been using bleach for years. but it has come before the board of supervisors for this next $14 million bill. and that's when some of the environmentalists saw it and jumped on the band wagon. but the city says it really is not a problem, dana. >> all right. mike sugarman, thank you. >> the word's fastest yacht is now in san francisco. one of the first signs of the city's preparations for the america's cup. but as simon perez shows us it didn't sail in under the golden gate bridge. it had to be brought in on a freighter in pieces. >> reporter: the last boat to win the america's cup had a mast so tall it had to be shipped to san francisco in pieces on a container ship this morning because it wouldn't fit under the golden gate bridge. the mast and sail of the oracle usa17 are actually one piece
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called a wing. to give you an idea just how big the wing is that crane is 190 feet tall. the wing is 230 feet tall, another 40 feet bigger than that raid. >> this boat is is it definitely the fastest boat to enter america's cup and the fastest course racing boat in the world. >> reporter: in miles per hour how fast can it go? >> up to 50 miles per hour. >> reporter: if that has piqued your interest you you will be glad to hear it is here to stay for a while. it will be set up when san francisco hosts america's cup races over the next few years. >> the unique challenge racing in san francisco is probably the strong wind and strong current. >> reporter: in fact, the boats that will be racing in 2013 will have wings 100 feet shorter than this one. the tall wing combined with san francisco winds would be too much. >> just like putting a giant motor into an ultralightweight race car. incredibly powerful but hard to keep it on the road. >> reporter: as we have reported some 70 waterfront businesses may have to move to make way for the race as piers
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are converted to viewing areas and hospitality. >> moving is a big deal. >> reporter: mike denny runs american wine dispensaries. >> can you run a business not knowing where you will be in six months? >> well, it is hard. it is hard are. -- harder. you don't want to start a big project if all of your resources are committed to moving instead of opening a new warehouse. >> reporter: many of these waterfront businesses lease space from the city of san francisco. >> we are studying the cup and we will need to have an environmental process before we can tell people where they have to move or if they have to move. >> reporter: move to make way for this. in san francisco, i'm simon perfect rose, cbs 5. >> crews began lifting the fourth segment of the suspension tower about 5:00 this morning. there are four parts to it like four legs to a stool. each weighs one million pounds and will take 30 hours to get
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from the ground up into place and then bolted to the tower. cal tran says the legs are connected by replaceable beams that can bend and crack. >> by designing the bridge in this way, we have basically created a structure that not only won't fall down in a very large earthquake but that is usable again to emergency services right after the earthquake and then with some retrofit work it can be put back into 100% service. >> crews are working around the clock and hope to finish installation by friday. the tower will eventually reach 525 feet. cal trans is again warning drivers not to be distracted by the new tower. >> a part of healthcare reform most americans really like. but you are running out of time to take advantage of it. the important deadline for parents who want to make sure that their kids are covered. >> allan, a giant baseball player is forcing the question who is on first. i'm dennis and why some are comparing it to one of the biggest show jobs in sports
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history. coming up. >> drug trials have failed. vaccines have stalled. now a radical approach to treat alzheimers. the hope that led this local man to donate coming up next. >> you can't miss the flashing lights. you can't miss a call. >> i know. i have picked up on the first ring. >> i'm warning you, now i can hear almost every word and sound you make. >> the california telephone ad program has a special california phone for every need. best of all, these phones are free to all eligible individuals. >> yes, it was a good call. >> california phones, keeping you connected. >> on the next ,,,,,,,,,,
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getting cancer. that finding from a new survey which . americans worry about getting alzheimers almost as much as they do getting cancer. that finding from a new study says the fear of alzheimers far outweighs the concern about cancer or heart disease. one bay area man who has watched alzheimers ravage his whole family decided to do whatever he could to fight it. grace lee shows us he found a scientist doing radical new research and put his money where tis mouth is. >> reporter: fighting that's how he remembers his father. >> he was a hard-working but fun-loving guy. >> reporter: two years ago his father died from alzheimer's disease. since then doug -- douglas has lost his step-mother and his step-father to the same
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illness. >> there are a lot of terrible diseases. this happens to be i think one of the worst. >> reporter: so douglas went on a mission to find a new approach in treating alzheimers. he found it at the buck institute for research on aging in nevado. he was so impressed he decided to donate money, a significant chunk, $3.5 million. >> if we want to address and find a cure for diseases like alzheimers, we have to think outside the box. >> reporter: and you think that's what dale is doing? >> i know that's what he is doing. >> reporter: he is referring to dr. dale a neurologist who has studied alzheimers for three decades. he said right now is an exciting time for his work. >> i have never been so enthusiastic. i have never felt as i have recently that we are actually at the point where we have a new insight. >> reporter: he says almost all alzheimers treatments focus on
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the aftermath when the plaque builds up that toxin can act like an acid killing cells. >> what we now believe is that this disease is very different. one of the reasons why we believe that is because, as you probably know, the drug trials over the last several years have uniformly failed. >> reporter: he wants to attack alzheimers from the beginning. he believes he has discovered the protein peptide that decides what you will remember and what you will forget. it's a normal part of brain function. >> so you are actively forgetting the phone that played on the way to work yesterday and you might be forgetting the sixth phone that played on the way to work. but actively remember what your keys are and what your next assignment is. >> reporter: with alzheimers patients he says the brain is off ambulance, skewed toward forgetfulness. the peptide has identified has two paths. if it is cut into four parts the memory is lost, something that happens too often in sick patients. but if it is cut into three parts, you can retain the
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information. he is hoping to find a switching drug that could make sure that peptide is cut in threes so that the balance can be restored. >> so far, his experiments on mice have been promising. he hopes people could try this switching drug in a clinical trial in 2-3 years. >> he was vibrant and he was full of life. >> reporter: while a cure is far fetched, for douglas that is the hope. it would mean his multimillion dollars donation was not only well-spent but it would help people for generations. >> so think that we could have played a part or that we might play a part in solving the dilemma of a disease like this, well, i think what greater legacy could you leave? >> reporter: if only that work had been completed a few years ago, then it could have helped his own father dance a little longer. this is grace lee, cbs 5.
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>> an important healthcare deadline, your duty to report internet sales taxes and an update on that historic but endangered coca cola sign we told you about. that's all coming up in two minutes. >> allan from the weather center we have an update also. this is what a 4.4 at the geezers looks like. more information about that recent earthquake. but the storm heading our way as eyewitness news continues. >> a stunning exhibit has the bay area buzzing. elaborate costumes made from nothing but paper. meet the artist behind cult fashion and learn the secrets to her dazzling techniques. "eye on the bay" on cbs 5. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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covering up a controversial sign. . >> a san francisco man says he is throwing in the towel and covering up a controversial sign. this coca cola ad that dates back to world war ii. the building owner restore today about 20 years ago and just recently one neighbor anonymously complained to the city. the city planning director says billboards are not allowed in residential areas but it's possible that the vintage ad could get an ex edges for its historic significance. >> the parents are almost out of time to take advantage of the obama care perks for their kids. online shoppers who want tax- free purchases may have to pay up. julie watts has those stories
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and more tonight. begin tonight with online shopping where many are getting away with not paying the california youth tax for years. they are reminding taxpayers they have to self-report any purchases from amazon which does not collect the tax. they figure $1 billion in taxes goes un collected every year. but they did collect $10 million from people who self- reported last year. three pieces of legislation are in place. >> it may cost $20 million to enroll your children under obama healthcare. they cannot be denied health coverage but open enrollment. that is at the insurer's discretion and even children without pre-existing conditions pay a 20 percent surcharge. speaking of a surcharge, public librairies are about to pay more for access to e-books by
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means you may have less access. harper colins announced it will limit the amount of library check-outs to 26 before the e- book license entires. there was no limit on the time they could be checked out only how long. librarians cost -- call it a costly idea. for the deadline head to and click consumer watch icon. >> will do. all right, julie. >> thanks, guys. we are shaking, rattling and rolling tonight. >> we sure are. in fact, if you've ever wondered what a 4.4 earthquake looks like we have to call in our seismograph. this is how it registered in our newsroom as you take a look at that particular image you will notice a little bit of a swig willy line there. that is what a 4.4 earthquake at the geysers looks like. just one mile from the geysers,
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roughly about 26 miles from santa rosa. the great thing about social media, i immediately got on facebook and on twitter. i asked people who lived in that area to respond and tell me what they felt. were there any injuries? so far everything seems to be calm. even though we did have an after-shocks minutes after that earthquake did that occur minutes ago that after-shock registered 2.7. now, this evening we do have cloud cover in the north bay. we do have increasing cloud cover across the bay and also around the immediate seashore. it becomes mostly cloudy. even though we will have that blanket of clouds we will be freezing in throughout the tri- valley. 25 up towards the geysers. 40s across the central bay and to seashore. mid-40s along the peninsula back towards the valley. cold front will hightail it out of here. it did produce some precipitation across the far reaches of our north bay today. keeping it mostly cloudy during
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the day. meanwhile we have another area of low pressure. this one is tracking into some low pressure. this is the evening commute. the precipitation begins to play tag with the coast moving into the north bay surrounding the entire area with copious amounts of rainfall by 11 a.m. tomorrow night. over the night winds increase to 30 miles per hour. the rain pours. a nasty wednesday morning commute. then we begin to see the rain dissipate during the afternoon hours and become a little more scattered towards the evening commute. but by then, we could see anywhere between 1-3 inches of rain. the wettest spot for the northern mountains, the santa cruz mountains and the coastal range as well. taking it a little bit slower here. increasing clouds becoming mostly cloudy. increasing to 30 miles per hour with approaching rain by nightfall. you have the rain on wednesday. a scattered shower is certainly possible on thursday. friday will really be the driest of all days here in the
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bay area since we did record a little bit of rain showers earlier today. and then saturday cloud cover leads to rain likely in the north bay. chances everywhere else. sunday for the running, i believe it's like a 35th running of the napa marathon. right now mostly cloudy skies with a slight chance of rain but very mild temperatures. not bad at all. in case you missed the snowfall on friday night. i know there was a lot of you doubters out there. we did have some snow? san francisco we did, m'hm. keep your photos coming in here. >> roberta, do you hang out at the bowling alley by chance? >> just for the shoes. >> they are great shoes. i will show you or tell you about a shot you need to see to believe. actor charlie sheen makes a comparison to a famous basketball star. oh, misery loves company up next. ,,,,,,,, appreciate the easy days, are what keep me coming back for more. [goat sounds] and the customer says, on the carpet." what? gonna be difficult. don't tell me about a dog. a day care full of kids, house chickens. call a day's work. call 1-800-steemer
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aubrey huff..but w . >> the giants figure they already know who is on first that being aubrey hoff. but what if, what if top prospect brandon lights up the cactus lead. tomorrow he got his first start. belt with the line-drive to center-field that scores mike
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potano. the pair of doubles and drove in four. barry zito is in mid-season form. walked five in an inning and two-thirds. with the bases loaded zit allowed two runs. mike says his wrist is finally healthy. sure looks good at the plate. 6-8 so far. there goes his first homerun of the spring. giants over milwaukee 10-9. >> dallas braden allowed two runs. and they lost 8-7 to the angels. he is one of just 20 pitchers to throw a perfect game. at 27 he is the oldest pitcher in the as starting rotation. but that does not mean he has got all of the answers. >> oh, man. >> it is even more weird when they come up and ask me a question about stuff and i have to kind of step back and remove myself and say even though i would like to help i don't always have the answers because i am still learning myself. >> reporter: the type of pitcher you are do you see yourself in comparison more of a guy who asks to know how to
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pitch as opposed to guy who throws a ball passed somebody. >> you can just tell me i throw slow. >> no. >> obviously the guys, we are talking about three guys in cahill and anderson and gio that have live arms. i mean, almost electric stuff when they are on. and someone like me, you know, i can't get away with my 94, 95 up in the zone. i don't have that. i can't do that in the middle of the plate. i need to learn. i have had to learn how to make something look like something it's not. ala the change-up. i have had to learn how to pitch with that. how to pitch backwards. learn about a pitcher's tendencies more so than just focusing on my ability or capability. i have really had to expand and learn, you know, a different side of the game. >> by the way, his roommate in scottsdale is giants closer brian wilson. now, my dad always used to say practice makes perfect. well, that school of thought is not shared by all. and now allan over son iverson has company with a famous
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actor. >> ever miss a day of would? >> not a day that costs anybody any money. i missed a practice. >> what are you talking about practice? >> to quote the great allan iverson. >> i am supposed to be a franchise player and we are in here talking about practice. practice, we are talking about practice, not a game, not again, not again. we are talking about practice. come on, guys, we are talking about practice. >> we are talking about practice, man. >> what are we talking about? practice? >> we talking about practice, man. >> shut up. shut up. stop. >> well, while you are out practicing snow angels in the bay area this weekend. here is what you missed. [ music ] >> he missed the ten pin spare in this 10th frame. it cost him the championship. pros hit that 99% of the time. that gives a stunned norm duke the u.s. open title he couldn't believe that he got it.
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from a warrior lebron james is there and fields the path over his head. baron davis is gone but blake griffith still has plenty of alley oops. griffin reaches to slope down the hammer on that one. nike rice with the nice move on the baseline. no, it is not travelling. you guys are always calling travelling. and a 360 reverse. and before the renovations air ball, ucla walked on. tyler lays it in. those are the first points of his career. who is he, the great grandson of the great john wooden. his family says he is credited with the assist on that one. >> and stephen paya on the bench press he pumps 259 pounds a lord 49 times. prior to that he has fallen off the radar with nfl scouts.
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he is 6' 1'', 311. they might be interested in him. >> 311 pounds. >> we are coming back at 10 and 11. see you then. could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. [ female announcer ] there's only one you. that's why sutter health created, where you can find a doctor based on criteria important to you. and because it's sutter health, you can choose a doctor from some of the most respected medical groups and hospitals in northern california. find your doctor today at
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[ woman ] the first time i smoked, i was 13.g breaths ] i was in a hurry to grow up and wanted to look cool. big tobacco knew it, and they preyed on me. i'm here to tell you that big tobacco hasn't changed. they continue to profit... by selling kids the same lies... to get them to use... the same deadly products. don't be big tobacco's next victim.
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. >> an all new "eye on the bay" in hd starts right now. >> this episode of "eye on the bay" is sponsored by the fine arts museums of san francisco. [ music ] it looks like fine silk, intricate lace and detailed trimmings. but don't let your eyes fool you. these couture designs aren't made from fabric of any kinds.
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meet the bell belgium artist who brings these creations to life. and want to view these with your own set of eyes? good. it is all happening right now. from one of the crown jewels of san francisco the legion of honor in lincoln park. hello, and welcome to "eye on the bay." i am liam mason. boy, do we have a broadcast for you. we will take you behind these walls and inside you will discover some of the most impressive art in the world. we will introduce you to the legion's latest featured artist, belgian artist isabel. one heck of a show. don't go too far away. "eye on the bay" takes you inside the legion of arts. [


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